Riau University hosted a QGIS and InaSAFE training in 30rd June – 1st of July,2014. The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team already did a socialization in the university on 23rd of May, 2014. The goal of this activity is to establish a community that understand OpenStreetMap, QGIS and InaSAFE and also to help Local Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) in their area either as data collector or data analyst. There were 29 students and 2 lecturers from Civil Engineering department who participated. Most of them have never use QGIS or any knowledge about Geographic Information System (GIS) and only a few of them that can use ArcGIS.
After an introduction to the concept of Contingency Planning and Geographic Information System, the participants learned more about QGIS and InaSAFE with the practical use as well. The materials delivered during the training are :
1. Introduction of QGIS and InaSAFE 7. Vector Data
2. Introduction of GIS 8. Projection System & Transformation
3. Data Atribute Table & Form 9. Simbology
4. Overview and Basic Tools in QGIS 10. Labelling and Classification
5. QGIS Plugin 11. Raster Data
6. InaSAFE Practical Session 12. Vector Analysis
During the first day, participants were given introduction about all process, activities, expectations, and goals of this University Roadshow program. After that, they the trainers introduced them to Contingency Plan and InaSAFE. This material is a new thing for the participants, therefore we gave them an example of disaster case scenario using InaSAFE. We showed Jakarta Flood hazard to make participants get better understanding about the use of InaSAFE. After they understand more about InaSAFE, we focused the training on how to use QGIS, using basic tools, plugins, projection system, vector data process up until symboling and labeling in its feature.
On the second day, the participants were taught about raster data, vector analysis and map composer (layout). The raster data that we used was Flood Jakarta Hazard and then they learned about vector data analysis and how to use geoprocessing tool in QGIS to find IDP camp in some areas. Thehe last material was map layouting in QGIS using map composer.

In the last session we have a small competition to make a disaster map based on the data which had been given to participants. From 32 participants we selected the best 3 maps which belong to: Aisyah Putri, Yudhi Salman, and Arie Perdana.

Overall, The training went well and the participant looking seriously and enthustiastic during the training. The Participants hope that hope this training could continue until the last step of this University Roadshow and they can followed the training well.