November 15, 2018
Version 5.0.0
This release includes support for QGIS 3.x.
QGIS 3.2 is required as a minimum, but we recommend that you use QGIS 3.4.1 or greater.
This release is a direct port of the 4.4.0 codebase with the following additional features added:
Version 5.0.0:
* QGIS3 port with Python 3 and Qt 5
* Enable line for structure exposure
* Add Tonga and Fiji currency and administration boundary definition
* Possibility to simply add postprocessors only for a certain combination of hazard and exposure
June 03, 2018
Version 4.4.0:
- Add Geonode uploader
- Add back Sentry configuration (need to be enabled in your settings)
- Set precision to 6 decimal for minimum needs.
- Add expressions for retrieving each section of the report (#4986)
- Update to support InaSAFE run in headless mode
See more at
June 13, 2017
This is a feature release that builds on the work we have done in version 4.0, adding features including (but not limited to):
- Reporting : Improved action and checklist reporting
- Reporting : Quick save as pdf
- Reporting : Detailed demographic breakdowns
- Reporting : Inclusion of concept definitions under tables
- Reporting : New provenance report
- Impact Functions : Standardised Tropical Cyclone wind speed averaging time periods
- Impact Functions : Improvements to earthquake options panel
- Impact Functions : Options for demographic breakdowns
- Impact Functions : Fatalities calculations in earthquake on vector population
- Tools : Help system improvements
- Documentation : Developer guide for adding a new hazard
- Issues : Bug fixes and improvements
For a detailed overview of these new features please see:
Please note: The experimental infographic reports included in version 4.0 have been temporarily removed while we work on a better implementation.
March 22, 2017
Version 4.0.0 brings with it the following changes:
– Complete overhaul of the InaSAFE code base
– Deprecated numpy / matrix based geometry manipulation
– New reporting system including Jinja2 support
– Experimental support for Infographics
– Removed all impact functions in favour of a shared workflow for all hazards
– Added support for exposure specfic thresholds in hazard metadata
– Produce rich data outputs instead of simple HTML reports
– Added new hazard support for Tropical Cyclone
– Extensive updates to the help reference and a new help browser
– Removal of all logic that uses interpolation to assess impact level
– Application of standards to reporting and calculations for more consistent presentation
– Ability to work with larger datasets in many cases (just be patient while analysis runs)
– Speed ups and improvements to many parts of the code base
– Improvements to the batch runner tool
– Improvements to the shake grid importer tool
– Port of the minimum needs tool to use our new architecture
– Added support for analysis of irregular areas (as defined by aggregation layer)
– Features or population outside of aggregation areas are no longer counted as part of the total exposure count
– Added support for working with data subsets
– Analysis no longer works only with local file sources
– All geometry operations are performed using the QGIS API now
– QGIS layers list items now have a context menu for InaSAFE
– Input layers no longer need to be in EPSG:4326
– Moved realtime code to its own repository
– Improved error handling system
– Added profiling for all analysis steps so we can easily identify performance bottlenecks
– Improved how partial overlaps with a hazard are managed (feature is assigned highest impact zone)
– Generate rich provenance for use in reporting
– Generate multiple sub products (impact layer, aggregation by hazard layer)
– PDF Reports are generated directly once analysis completes
– Earthquake sub-algorithm selection has been moved to the InaSAFE options dialog
– ITB Bayesian algorithm is now default for earthquake
– Earthquake analysis map output is now a boolean layer indicating if a cell contains displaced people
– Many, many more improvements…
For a visual guide showing some of the key features, please visit the InaSAFE 4.0.0 Visual Changelog
Special Note:
Please note that when migrating from InaSAFE 3.x to version 4, you need to update the metadata ‘keywords’ for any layer you have previously defined keywords for.
August 11, 2016
Changelog for InaSAFE 3.5.0
- Tools : More image formats supported for organisation logo
- Impact Functions : Volcanic ash on population impact function added
- Impact Functions : Volcanic Ash on Landcover impact function
- Impact Functions : Volcanic ash on places impact function added
- Impact Functions : Added support of new exposure types: Places and populated places
- Reporting : SPHERE based minimum needs
- Reporting : Reporting improvements
- Code Internals : Performance improvements when working with raster hazard and exposure layers in the map view
- Many bug fixes and improvements
May 31, 2016
We are pleased to announce the release of InaSAFE 3.4. This release has the following highlight features:
- Raster tsunami on landuse polygons
- Generic hazard classes on landuse polygons
- Value mappings in keywords wizard for building and roads attribute classes
- Storage of analysis report outputs in JSON rather than HTML
- Tidy up of context help text
- Various bug fixes
Changelog is here:
March 31, 2016
This release adds new impact functions for flood on population, tsunami and earthquake support, support for ISO 19115 metadata and many more improvements. A detailed changelog is available here.

You can install this release using the plugin manager in QGIS (please restart QGIS after installing), or if you are a windows user, by using the standalone installation wizard.
January 19, 2016
This is a bug fix release to improve compatibility with keywords created in InaSAFE 3.2.x and those created in the upcoming 3.3.x releases.
* Add handler if found invalid xml file for version 3.2
* Add test data for layer with keyword version 3.3 and add unit test for it.
Windows users can install using the executable installer here. Users on other systems will find the upgrade available in the QGIS plugin manager shortly.
January 11, 2016
This is another bug fix release which fixes issues with the wizard and pdf generator and provides a number of other small enhancements:
- Adds data source and CRS to the keywords list in dock
- Wizard: ged rid of eval() statements #2329
- Use Date Picker in Keywords Wizard #2499
- Fix Keywords Wizard crashes on repeated use #2514
- Fix Crash Minidump when try to use InaSAFE keyword editor twice #2467
- Fix #2515 BUG : Can Not Use the Wizard (because No module named qgsdatetimeedit)
- Fix serializing classified raster values
- Fix #2504 – exception raised when messaging cell contains nested table or bullet list due to slashes param not being accepted by table class to_html() method.
- Fix Python error in PDF generator and Open in Composer using IFCW #2532
- Fix Python bug when creating a pdf map #2523
Windows users can directly download and install using this installer. Users on other platforms and windows users who prefer to use the plugin manager can install the updated plugin using the QGIS plugin manager.
December 05, 2015
We are pleased to announce that another release of InaSAFE is available. This is a bug fix release - please see our release notes for details of what changed. This release also introduced a new windows installer for installing the plugin in environments where there is no working internet connection.
November 19, 2015
This is a minor bugfix release that adds missing support for flood polygons on buildings as points.
November 11, 2015
This patch release adds: context help for all dialogs, a Thailand profile for the OSM downloader and fixes a python issue.
October 06, 2015

August 31, 2015
After an incredible amount of work polishing, tweaking, enhancing, coding, testing etc. by a whole team of people from across our partner organisations and the general public, I am pleased to announce that InaSAFE 3.2 has been released. According to Tim Sutton (InaSAFE Team Lead):
“This is the best release we have ever done and the one that I am most proud of.”
If you want to better understand the scope of all the changes we have made, please see the visual changelog for the release.

June 04, 2015
We are pleased to announce that InaSAFE 3.2 is getting full attention from the developers and will be ready for review soon.
April 20, 2015
We are pleased to announce that InaSAFE 3.1 is now available for immediate download.
March 06, 2015
We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of InaSAFE 3.0. Please visit the release notes page for details.
December 02, 2014
InaSAFE 2.2.0 now available. Please see the release notes for details.
June 27, 2014
We are please to announce that the bugfix release InaSAFE 2.1.0 is now available. See the release notes for details.