QGIS and InaSAFE training held at Medan Technology Institute for two days, 1 – 2 October 2014, it is the part of Roadshow University at several universities in Indonesia and as the second training from the previous training about OpenStreetMap. Participants of 16 people who are students from the Department of City Planning has completed the task after the previous training. Almost all of participants have gained learning about GIS during lectures so that they can smoothly follow the material presented.
On the first day of training was opened by speech from the Head of City Planning Department and proceed with pre test. Participants were given an introduction of training flow then continued an introduction of contingency plans and InaSAFE. Then they were given the material about introduction of GIS so that some participants of the 3rd semester can understand this material. Materials about contingency plans and InaSAFE are the new thing to them, therefore during the InaSAFE practice. We give an example disaster case study using InaSAFE about Jakarta flood hazard with the purpose to get the participants to better understand InaSAFE. The next session focused on QGIS, start from QGIS basic tools, plug in, projection system, manage the vector and raster data until symbology and labeling on existing features.
On the second day, the material taught is raster data, vector analysis and map composer. After map composer session, we made a little competition for the participants is to make a map using map composer where the map contains the information about disaster (such as building, population, and access roads affected, buildings or places that can be used as refugee camps) that is the result of InaSAFE analysis . From this competition, there are two participants who make the best maps, Satriaman Gea and Muhammad Abdul Soleh. Here are the result of maps :