A QGIS and InaSAFE training was held in Islamic University of Indonesia (UII) at June 24th-25th, 2014. It was part of the University Roadshow program in some universities all around Indonesia. The goal of this activity is to establish community that have better understanding about OpenStreetMap, QGIS and InaSAFE and hoping that they could also help Local Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) in their area either as data collector or data analyst. There were 19 students majoring Infomation Engineering who participated in this training. Most of participants have known and learned about GIS and QGIS material in class so they can follow the training pretty well.
During the first day, participants were given introduction about all process, activities, expectations, and goals of this University Roadshow program. After that, they the trainers introduced them to Contingency Plan and InaSAFE. This material is a new thing for the participants, therefore we gave them 2 examples of disaster case scenario using InaSAFE. The scenarios are vulcano hazard and flood hazard to make participants get a better understanding about the use of InaSAFE. After they understand more about InaSAFE, we focused the training on how to use QGIS, using basic tools, plugins, projection system, vector data process up until symboling and labeling in its feature.

On the second day, the participants were taught about raster data, vector analysis and map composer (layout). After the map composer session, we have a small competition for participants. We asked them to make a map using QGIS which contain disaster related information such as population, building, roads affected by hazard data and also buildings that can used as an evacuation shelter. They must get all of those information from InaSAFE or vector data analysis in QGIS.

From the competition we have two participants who have the highest score and made the best maps. They are Bayu Angga Satrio and Muhammad Ridwan Dwiangga. You can see the map below::