FloodHack 2016

2 - 4 Apr 2016

Do you want to help find new and interesting ways to use open data for flood emergency planning and response?  Floodhack 2016 is a cross disciplinary event for disaster managers, GIS professionals, developers, open data experts, data journalists, designers and communicators; in fact anyone who can meaningfully participate. Help us to find new and interesting uses for data used to plan and respond to emergencies, to stimulate new approaches to solving problems using public data, and to promote the use of open data to improve civil society.

Here are some of the problem areas we want you help and skills to help solve during the event:

  • how can we better warn communities of impending floods?
  • how can we help people to avoid flooded areas?
  • are there ways we can find for people to better deal with the flood when it is around them?
  • can we find ways to help people get out of flooded areas more effectively?
  • how can we help people recover better after a flood?
  • can we use data and technology to find ways to help people avoid being flooded in the future?

The event is timed to occur after the monsoon season in Jakarta, while flooding is fresh in people’s minds and with a view to having the time to explore new ideas arising from the event before the next monsoon season.

FloodHack 2016 is being sponsored by DMInnovation and will be hosted at Smart City / BPBD DKI Jakarta. The venue has the capacity for a large number of people but we plan to limit participation to around 75. The participants will be asked to self aggregate into teams with members from different disciplines and organisations so that in any given team there will be a variety of expertise. The event is open to anyone with a special interest in reducing the impact of floods in Jakarta and is free of charge to attend.

If you would like to participate in the event, please visit the dedicated event page at https://floodhack.org and register now while places are still available!